It's one of those rambling days...
I love my ward. So much. Today was the "last day" only, we're going to be in the ward for summer and next school year as well, so it was just the last day of the ward as we know it. It was a great day in the 47th Ward.
Tonight was a CES fireside, and I'm so glad we went! Bishop H. David Burton was the speaker, and he was great! He talked a lot about how life is a highway, (Yes, Mom, I had the song in my head the rest of the night), and how we just need to stay on the right road and all that good stuff.
Another thing he hit pretty hard was prayer. I had an interesting thought/revelation/what-have-you during that part.
I've always had a pretty hard time with the regular prayer and scripture study thing. I know that I should do it, I just get busy and forget about it. Well tonight, without Bishop Burton really even saying anything to spark this, I realized something.
One thing that's a huge part of my life is talking to my dad on the phone. We talk almost every day, and if we don't, my day doesn't feel quite right. I find myself keeping track of the things I want to tell or ask him. I can talk to him about anything. School, boys, stress, (which usually is caused by a combination of boys and school), ANYTHING. He gets excited for me when I need it, he has the answer to any of my problems, and he is there just to listen to me vent. I can laugh, I can cry, I can scream.
Well, I realized that prayer, talking to my Heavenly Father, should be the same thing. If I'm not talking to Him every day, something should feel off. I should be able to talk to Him about anything. I should be able to laugh and cry to Him. I should find myself longing for the next time we can talk and keep track of things I have to say.
My goal this summer, and for next school year, is to do a lot better at reading my scriptures and having regular conversations with my Heavenly Father.
Tonight after the fireside, ward prayer, and SigEp Sunday, I came home and realized I had nothing to do. I turned on the tv and started flipping through channels. I came upon the History Channel and a show that I had been wanting to watch, America: The Story of Us. It was INCREDIBLE! I love history. My inner nerd in me came out as I watched, enthralled, for the next couple hours. I was fascinated by the stories of the Wild West, slavery and the Civil War, and so much else from that piece of history. All of a sudden it was over... I can't wait for the next episode! After that was over, another show came on that was so interesting! It's called Sliced. It was so cool! This guy just goes crazy cutting stuff open to see what's inside and how it works. In the episode I watched, he cut open a MagnaDoodle, an Etch-a-Sketch, a Magic 8 Ball, and a garbage disposal! I loved it. I love the History Channel!
I love the fact that I'm about to go to bed, but I don't actually HAVE to get up in the morning. I don't have any tests until Wednesday afternoon, so in the next couple of days I just have to study a little bit and go to work. Pretty excited that the end of this week equals the beginning of summer.
My friend Derek and I decided that the bad/rainy/snowy weather we've been having the last week or so is really a blessing in disguise. It's Heavenly Father's way of telling us that we need to be inside, going to class, and studying when we're not in class. The week before last, it was super warm and sunny and everyone was having a hard time going to class. We all just wanted to spend our time laying on the Quad in the sunshine. So naturally, at the end of this week, the sun and warmth will come back to us and we can kick summer off properly!
Thanks Megan. It means a lot to me too.