Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cowboy, Take Me Away

When a night starts like this, you know it's going to be good...

Our gracious and heavenly Father, 
we pause in the midst of this festive occasion, 
mindful and thoughtful of the guidance that you have given us.

As cowboys, Lord, we don't ask for any special favors, 
we ask only that you let us compete in this arena, as in lifes arena. 
We don't ask to never break a barrier, 
or to draw a round of steer that's hard to throw, 
or a chute fighting horse, 
or a bull that is impossible to ride. 
We only ask that you help us to compete as honest as the horses we ride 
and in a manner as clean and pure as the wind that blows across this great land of ours.

So when we do make that last ride that is inevitable for us all to make,
 to that place up there, where the grass is green and lush and stirrup high, 
and the water runs cool, clear, and deep -
You'll tell us as we ride in that our entry fees have been paid.

These things we ask,
I love rodeos.
To me, they are the definition of summer.
Tonight was the first rodeo of the year, and it was beautiful.
I mean, it wasn't the best rodeo I've ever been to.
(they played more pop and rap songs than they did country)
But it was a blast. 

Also, I need  a cowboy in my life.
I've decided that really is the kind of guy I want.
Convenient that my parents just moved to Wyoming, eh?
(Mom, keep an eye out for me...)

Before the rodeo, we'd spent the day at the lake.
Apparently it doesn't matter whether or not I put sunscreen on, I'll still get fried.
The best part of the day was realizing how great of friends I have at work.

The fact that we all lived at work these last two weeks and still wanted to hang out with each other on our day off?
Pretty sweet.

Summer kind of got off to a slow start, but it's really here now. 
And it's wonderful.

It all started with last week's demolition derby.
Then today.
Next weekend is all the wonder that comes with the 4th of July.
Cache Valley Cruise-In. Fireworks. (three cities, three days, three sets of fireworks) Concerts from afar.
Later will come more rodeos and demo derbies. 
Throw in a trip to Nashville and all the temples in Utah and lots of hours of work (which translates to $$$).

I'd say we're in for a great couple of months. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stolen. Thrice.

This is a stolen thing.
I stole it from Katie. She stole it from Alyssa. And she stole it from Kelsey.
We're all on A-Team together. And love each other dearly.
The end.

So here we go.

Ten Things I wish I could say to 10 Different People (but don't say their name):
1. You're being stupid. And immature. You're making things weird for anyone who knows what's going on, but you're only hurting yourself and making your summer miserable.

2. Stop. You're annoying and obnoxious. Chill out a bit, k? You're cute and could be fun, but you're just too much these days. You don't need to be so loud and so needy, especially around boys. There's a time and a place. You don't always need to be the center of attention. 
3. I'm trying so hard to get over you. We're perfect together, but I'm running out of patience. I'm trying though, I really am. I'm not willing to give up what we already have.
4. I love you! I'm so excited for you in everything you have coming up in your life! (and slightly jealous ;) It makes me so happy to see you so happy! I love it!
5. For awhile there, I thought maybe I had a thing for you and wanted to be more than just friends. But then there was something I decided I couldn't handle. Your flaw? You're very critical. And if you see a problem with something, you're always telling everyone how you would do it better. That's great and all, but it's kind of  annoying. 
6. I miss you. I know they say that when people get married and stuff you kind of fall of the face of the earth, and it's true. And it kind of sucks. It makes me want to be married so that we can be married friends.
7. I'm excited for you to be an Aggie! I know you don't want to leave home and your friends, but I guarantee you'll love it up here. Get ready for the best years of your life1
8. After watching you on this one-on-one date, I don't hate you as much anymore. (Yes, directed to a man on Bachelorette... Pathetic? Maybe. haha)
9. I wish I knew why you were being so emotional. It's normal to be corrected and advised and stuff when you're new at something. You can ask for help. It's expected, even. 
10. You're super attractive and awesome. Too bad you're two years younger than me. And have a girlfriend. And are leaving on a mission....

Nine Things About Myself:
1. I hate tomatoes. (haha yeah, stole that from Katie too.)
2. My body is exhausted from work this week. And it's only Tuesday.
3. I absolutely HAVE to be staying busy or I go crazy.
4. I can't say no. It's so hard for me. Because of it, I often end up super over-committed to things. 
5. I like cleanliness. But not necessarily everywhere. It drives me crazy if my kitchen or living room are messy, but my bedroom is a completely different story.
6. I really have no idea what I'm doing with my life.
7. Sometimes I think I'll just move to New York and open a children's bookstore on the Upper West Side. 

8. Yes, that is a You've Got Mail reference. Showing just how much I love that movie. Ridiculous, really.
9. I want to go everywhere. But right now, I'm dying to go to Ireland.

Eight Ways to Win My Heart
1. Be completely yourself. 
2. Make me laugh. A lot. 
3. Let me vent and complain if I want to, but please don't push it. Sometimes all I need is some quiet and space. 
4. Call me Meg. Or Megs.
5. Be stalwart. Hold and honor your Priesthood, but don't force it. 
6. Watch one of my movies with me. And I'll watch yours with you. 
7. Be truly confident.
8. Sing to me. 

Seven Things That Cross My Mind a Lot:
1. Money sucks.
2. I love summer.
3. What am I going to do when I "grow up?"
4. I don't want to grow up.

5. I'm tired.
6. I'm hungry.
7. I want a man. (haha)

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Brush my teeth. (again)
2. Triple check my alarms. 
3. Watch an episode of something. Big Bang, HIMYM, whatever.
4. Pick the perfect playlist to fall asleep to.
5. Drink water.
6. Check Facebook one last time.

Five People Who Mean a Lot:
1. Madre

2. Daddy
3. Siblings

4. Best friends Amy and Erin
5. Aaron

Four Things I'm Wearing:
1. An XL Aggie football t-shirt
2. Black Soffe shorts
3. Underwear
4. And... that's it. Haha it's 1 a.m. That's what I wear to bed. haha

Three Songs I Listen to Often:
1. All My Life - The Band Perry
2. Honey Bee - Blake Shelton
3. shoot... Another one isn't coming to mind right now. I'll get back to you. 

Two Things I Want to do Before I Die:
1. Go to at least the Super Bowl, a World Series Game and the NBA Finals. I've been to the NCAA tournament, and to all of the professional games except the NHL. I want to continue it!
2. Read every book that has won a Newbery Award. 

One Confession:
1. I'm ready. Ready to fall in love. Or at least get on my way there. I'm tired of being single. At the same time though, I know I'm young. I know I have time. I know eternity is a really long time and I'm not in a rush to get there. It's just weird and hard to see all your friends growing up and getting married and stuff. It makes you want your turn. Ya know? 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Time to Breathe

I know, I know... It's been forever.
I've been crazy busy.

This week I worked 60 hours in just five days.
And it was exhausting.

Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in.
Then clean up my house and car a bit.
Then go to Summerfest (and maybe the farmer's market).
And then to the Demolition Derby.

Yes, please.

Oh, and today I apparently won some cool awards for journalism stuff...