Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Wisdom

So usually my Wednesday Wisdom posts are some sort of quote or scripture or lyrics, etc.
However, today I decided to share my new favorite thing with you.
That sort of wisdom.

You ready...


Girls, this stuff is brilliant. 
I haven't gotten super brave with it yet, but supposedly there are SO many things you can do with it. 
THIS is a super intensive list of all sort of things it can be used for. 
Seriously, she thought of everything. 

So far, I've only used it as a super deep conditioner and lotion. 
It makes your skin super soft. 
It makes scars fade. 
Seriously though, after just two or three uses on some scars, they were a lot lighter.

Here's my conditioning treatment.
  • Brush your hair through really well, making it soft and not tangly
  • Scoop up a big glob of the oil and start rubbing it through your hair
    (in the bottle it looks like it won't really go anywhere, but the second it touches your skin, it starts to melt and becomes easier to work with.)
  • Rub it through, soaking your hair thoroughly
  • Tie your hair up in a tight bun
    (all the websites say put a shower cap or something on it as well. I haven't tried that, but I imagine it would be a good idea.)
  •  Leave it! Take a bath, read a book, watch the latest episode of whatever it is you watch, and leave the oil sitting in your hair for 45 minutes or so
  • Hop in the shower and wash it out, shampooing and conditioning like your normally would
And voila!
I've been doing this two or three times a week for a couple of weeks now and have already noticed a difference. 
My hair is softer, tamer, healthier and more manageable.
Plus, it smells incredible.
Nothing smells better than coconut in my mind.

You can get it pretty much anywhere. I got mine for $10 in the vitamin, etc. aisle at Walmart, but then I was at Smith's the other day and saw a bottle that was bigger and just $7 in the baking aisle.
Seriously. Give it a shot and let me know how it works for you!

Just What I Need

Tonight as I was finishing things up and getting ready to go to sleep, I accidentally clicked on a link on my bookmarks bar.
It wasn't so much an accident.

I love this talk.

It doesn't matter what people think.
I am me, and there are people that love me for it.
Most importantly, my Heavenly Father.

I matter to Him.

While there are times that are not so great,
as I deal with all the things that come with being a grown-up
and the things that aren't so fun,
I remember that isn't what matters.
Other people's opinions don't have to make me miserable, because there's only one opinion that's really important.

I am happy.
I am me.

"God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet 
who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His child. 
He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. 
He wants you to know that you matter to Him."

Monday, January 14, 2013

When it Rains...

You guys, being a grownup is not my favorite thing.

Because when everything goes wrong at once -
When you're stressed and tired and hungry and cold -
When the bills keep coming in but the money does not -
When you have too much to do and not enough time to do it in -

Turns out you can't just break down and cry like you may want to.
It's not even so much of the fact that you're a grownup so that's not how you're supposed to behave,
Just that you don't even have the time or the energy to do so.

This has happened before though.
You feel like everything is crashing down around you.
Then a few days later, it will be like nothing was ever wrong.

Here's hoping.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wednesday Wisdom

Guys, I've failed miserably at this Wednesday Wisdom thing lately.
So here's to getting back on track.

I still can't get over how much I love Les Mis, guys. 
I've only seen it twice so far! (are you as proud as I am??)
The whole show is full of incredible words and thoughts. 
If you haven't seen it yet, do it. 
That is all.