Sunday, December 19, 2010

10 Years is a Long Time...

I'm sitting in my bed...
The soft fleece from my blanket rubbing against my freshly-shaven legs...
Still warm from the bubble bath and peppermint hot chocolate...
Watching my favorite episode of Little House on the Prairie... (the one where Laura and Almanzo finally get married. Seriously. Greatest love story EVER.)
Listening to the rain hit my Christmas-lit window...
Thinking about how much I want to be home...
And looking back on the last 10 years.

A lot has happened in that time. 

At the beginning of this stretch, I was 11.
Now I'm 21.

At the start, I lived in Utah.
Then Arizona.
Now Utah again.

I've had three and a half different majors.
And finally figured out what I want to do with my life.

I've had my ups and downs.
I've learned who I am; what I like and what I don't, what I want and what I don't. 
I've changed my mind on some of those things. 

I've made some incredible friends.
Many I'm still friends with, many I'm not.

I'm almost 100 percent a different person here at the end of 2010 as I was at the end of 2000. 
The world has changed just as much.

I was planning to get started on this tonight, but I've decided it's too much to think about right now. 
My worst year?
My best?

I guess we'll have to see. 

Last night I ended a conversation with someone around this time, thinking I was going to bed. 
A few minutes later, I got into a good heart-to-heart conversation.

That didn't actually end until 4:30. 
So worth it. 

But not tonight. It's time for bed.  


Show some love and leave your thoughts!