Monday, November 29, 2010

Midnight Musings

So it's not quite midnight, but close enough...

I hate group projects. End of story.

I need a man. Seriously. My dear friend Jordan tells me that I don't, and in the ways he talks about it, he's right. I  don't need one to feel pretty, I don't need one to keep me entertained. But after having a relationship, I miss it. Honestly, I'd take a good cuddle or something at this point. I realized I never really had my rebound, and maybe I need that. I look around at my engaged/married friends, and I want it. I want to be in love. Yep. I said it. I want deep, passionate, committed, freakin' love.

I've hit the point in the semester that I'm just done. I'm tired. I'm cold. I'm sick of school. I have zero motivation right now. Every morning, I wake up and it takes all I have to drag myself to the shower and to class. My classes are redundant and I'm ready for them to be over. I feel stressed and overwhelmed. I'm ready to go home for awhile.

It makes me happy when random people happen upon my blog. Welcome to Eva!

My head hurts... I need drugs.

I'm going to bed.


  1. You don't need it, you want it. I feel like that is completely healthy and normal. :) You are amazing, and I want to have coffee with you Wednesday. Yes? Please and thank you.

  2. You are actually still showering before you go to class??? You clearly aren't at your last straw if you can still get yourself all wet when it's -9 degrees outside ;)

  3. I have a solution: come play with me! We can forget about things like homework and can build a lovely fort in the living room like the one on The Holiday AND you can come to church on Sunday and meet that one boy and make him fall madly in love with you.


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