Saturday, January 8, 2011

Megan the Intern

Oh yeah.
So that internship...

Finally, things are going to take off.
I hope...

I will be starting this semester interning with the USU Athletics department.

The specifics are still a little murky, even to me.
But if I understand it right, I will spend this semester kinda doing what I can time-wise.
I'll be working mostly with marketing/promotions, but getting a little bit in with the media relations side of things too.
This way I can kind of figure out what it is I really want to do.
And then in the fall, I'll start the legit part of the internship.
I will decide if I want to do marketing or media relations.
And that's when I'll get actual credit for it.

So there's no money involved.
And apparently a lot of hours.
It's a start.
All of the people who work in the department now got their start as unpaid interns.
It's real experience.
And it will hopefully help me get a clue on what I want to do with my life.

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