Tonight was the ever-popular Victoria's Secret fashion show.
Not my thing, I didn't watch it.
However, it was interesting to follow the reactions on Twitter.
Thank you boys, for making us feel great.
Charley put it plainly.

How depressing, yet true, is that?
How many girls are going to hit the gym and start starving themselves tomorrow?
All just so they can look like the girls they think we are all supposed to look like?
All just so they can look like the girls they think we are all supposed to look like?
I mean, really?
These girls have nothing on them.
They don't even look healthy.
These girls have nothing on them.
They don't even look healthy.
When was the last time they ate a carb? Or anything with sugar?
How many hours a day do they spend working out?
There's a line between being healthy and being crazy.
They have definitely crossed that line.
Enter, my dear friend Ryan.
Ladies, don't you forget it.
You don't have to be stick skinny, size 0 to be pretty.
Be your own, beautiful you.